They are not satisfied with just killing you, they want to rob you, rape you and isolate you from your family. They disguise themselves as gurus and say they are going to change your life and, boy, do they do it, but for the worse and with an empty wallet.

As private detectives we can help you learn the truth about where that loved one you are so worried about is going. Are you in a legal or at least harmless support group, or are you in danger in a destructive organization?
Is my son / daughter / sister / in a cult? How did they capture it?
The recruitment process of a cult is always similar. Their strategy consists of finding people in vulnerable situations, either because they have a fragile personality or because they are going through a particularly complicated situation.
To these people, and without any consideration, miraculous solutions are offered with names of medicine or psychology that doctors and psychologists have not been able to defend. I am referring to terms such as “natural medicine”, “jungle medicine”, “shamanic therapist”, and similar nonsense.
It is a step beyond those who believe in “cures” coming from the placebo effect. We start out believing that a rock will cure our depression and end up, of course, spending a weekend in the countryside with the person who sold us the rock.
We live in a society obsessed with searching for “the meaning of life”, “transcendence”, “the true God”, etc., and this makes us vulnerable. Let’s not forget that the oldest profession in the world is not prostitution, it is making other people believe that they have problems that surpass them and that doing what they say is the solution to all of them. Although the solution never comes, usually because the victim is to blame for “not doing enough”.
You don’t have to be a “fool” to fall into this, it is enough to go through a moment of depression and not find comfort or support in their close environment, usually because they are ashamed to talk about their problems.
What can I do if my son/daughter is in a cult?
The first point is clear:
Discover the truth with the help of a private detective.
We need to know who your loved one associates with and if that environment may be that of a cult. This is done by monitoring the person and, if necessary, infiltrating the sect.
The work of a detective infiltrating a cult.
During the possible infiltration, the detective will collect testimony and evidence If it is found that what is observed may constitute a crime – for example, rape, sexual abuse, substance trafficking, violence, etc. – the facts will be reported immediately to the authorities.
State intervention
With our evidence, law enforcement agencies can and should intervene immediately, shortening the time required for a solution.
Once the cult’s leadership is in the hands of justice, it will be the job of the recruiter and/or the victim’s family to try to provide all the necessary assistance. Without the intervention of the State, removing the members of the victims’ leadership, the solution will be more complicated.
The normalization of the aberrant.
Although many of these self-help groups are probably harmless, yoga retreats, meditation, art, etc.. It is amazing how the State washes its hands of announcements of “shamans” and similar aberrations.
Does the government suck toads?
State inaction.
The State is in charge of protecting you from these things, for that you pay a lot of money in taxes but it seems that it does not go with them.
Fortunately, you have the possibility of using the services of private professionals who will act with speed and efficiency.
Where are the professional associations?
One last reflection is addressed to the professional associations of Medicine, Psychiatry and Psychology: Do you really believe that with some loose statement in a newspaper you are fulfilling your moral duty to fight against intrusiveness?
I think you are falling far short.
The media don’t help much either, but when do they?
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